Email and Social Design

As the sole designer at Face Reality from February 2021 to January 2023, I was responsible for creating all social and email content for the brand.

For social, I developed educational tips, product highlights, comparisons, healthy reminders, and lifestyle content. Collaborating closely with the brand and social teams, I helped refine creative strategy, resulting in a 156.74% increase in Face Reality’s Instagram following—from 42,456 to over 109,000—between February 2021 and January 2023.

Email content targeted four distinct audiences (B2B, B2B Leads, B2C, and Clinic), generating an average of $3 million in monthly revenue ($2.7M for B2B and $300K for B2C). Like social content, emails featured product launches, campaigns, educational content, trade show updates, press mentions, and awards.

The Face Reality Brand

Face Reality is an award-winning professional acne line that specializes in treating acne with premium, cruelty-free formulations. Its adaptive skincare coaching model makes clear skin possible without the use of prescription drugs or harsh ingredients. 

email designs for face reality

Social Designs for Face Reality