Acne Awareness Campaign 2022

In June 2022, Face Reality launched its first ever consumer campaign raising awareness on mental and physical effects of acne. This included a National Survey on Acne, a skin-positive photoshoot with Face Reality clients, and web and social promotion.

Photo Shoot & Campaign Assets

I helped plan, organize, and direct our Acne Awareness photoshoot. This was a 2-day shoot that captured raw portraiture and lifestyle photos. Our models included
Face Reality Clinic clients, and our Acne Expert of the Year, Maddie Tamashiro,
and her client Alissa from Oregon. The models have no skin cover-up and the photos
are not retouched; portraying the important message of feeling beautiful and confident
in your skin.

Individual Client Landing Pages

To drive this campaign further, we really wanted our audience to be able to connect with our clients—relating to their lives and stories. Therefore, each portrait connected to an individual landing page about our client’s journey. These landing pages were structured similarly, with background information about the client, their hobbies, and personal life; as well as testimonials about their struggles with acne and how Face Reality has helped to change their lives.

Press Mentions